Hey, I’m Tori.
My mission is to reconnect people to our shared humanity. I’m an educator, podcaster, and storyteller who draws connections between culture and behavior, because I believe it is a powerful tool for building compassion, producing material change, and creating a more equitable world.
learning anti-racism can be, well, overwhelming
Do you struggle to feel confident in discussing racial justice with your family, colleagues, and neighbors?
Are you overwhelmed trying to challenge racial biases?
Do you want to speak up about racism or discrimination but don’t because you might say the wrong thing?
Have you encountered resistance or hostility when speaking up about racial justice in social settings?
Do you want to be able to confidently have conversations with people about racial justice but aren’t sure how?
Do you want to experience positive outcomes or changes as a result of your anti-racism efforts?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, sign up for the white homework newsletter